Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Losing the Clutter Battle

Ok so I know I got myself into this mess - quite literally. Amelia really needs to learn to pick up her toys because by the time she is in bed and James is fed and content all I want to do is sit on my butt. It doesn't help matters that she has more toys than a preschool. I say to myself night after night that I will just sit down for 20 minutes and then clean. Well guess how well that works out! Before I know it James is awake again wanting to eat and then it is bedtime. The situation is compounded when Chuck goes out of town because then I have no one to motivate me.

And it is not just toys. One would think that moving into a house twice the size of our apartment would mean that our stuff would have places to go. It still just ends up on the table, on the island, EVERYWHERE! How did I end up with all this stuff? Where did it come from? Why can't I live without it?

The madness was under control for a fleeting moment before James came into our lives. It will happen again and hopefully before I go completely insane!

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1 comment:

  1. I understand well how this feels, minus the two children, of course. There was a time, not so long ago, that I could fit - that I DID fit - everything I owned into a Miata. Some people might consider that an unfortunate state, but to me it was so intensely liberating. Now, though - I am surrounded by so many items that I can no longer tell what I need or want. It's all just become My Stuff.

    Also, it's a scientific fact that Stuff expands to fit the space in which it resides. It's the corollary to the missing sock - see, all that matter has to go somewhere.

    A final note, I'm fairly certain that I'm using "corollary" in entirely the wrong manner, but I'm really not concerned by that at all.
