Sunday, February 19, 2012

February Challenge

And it really has been a challenge.

Let me first explain. I created a challenge for the month of February, a fitness challenge. I was really very excited about it, running, weights, yoga; a different challenge every day (except for two rest days). I started out running a mile, a task that is repeated each week. My first time was 9 minutes and 5 seconds. A sprained ankle made the first half of the month difficult for the running days. But I persevered, figuring if others were doing my challenge than I should too.

But as the month has worn on, most of the people doing my challenge with me have fallen off. It was nice having people doing it, it spurned me on. Days when maybe I was a little tired, or had put it off too late, I would still do it, knowing that somewhere out there someone else was doing it to. But as followers have stopped doing the daily challenges I find it too easy to not do them myself.

And of course, I wish I had the will power to just do it myself but I am weak. The husband helps keep me on task though and that is good.

On a higher note, the pushups are doing great! We did repeat week 3, due partly to the norovirus and also just to help make the whole thing a bit easier. Friday I did 122 pushups, not too shabby. Half way through, although I have a feeling that more weeks will have to be repeated.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Diet is an interesting concept. The definition of diet is simply the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. So really anything we eat is our diet. However, these days diet has come to refer to a restricted regiment of food and has taken on many shapes; The Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, and most recently in the media, The Paleo Diet (among many). If you are trying to lose weight it gets confusing trying to figure out which diet works for you.

I have been thinking a lot about this, as my weight loss has plateaued of late. I try to just eat right and watch my portions but that can be hard, especially when you have kids and have to have snacks around the house. So the idea of going on a specific diet to help aid my weight loss is rather appealing. You may remember my post about the Master Cleanse, I certainly will never forget the experience! So I am really trying to look at all angles before picking a diet, if any at all.

The first one I thought about was the Atkins Diet. I know someone on it who loves it and is losing weight like crazy and it is a really good fit for her. Although I really like the sound of the results, I love carbohydrates. And honestly I think it would be really hard for me to give up all carbohydrates, I feel like I would just be setting myself up for failure. I want a diet that doesn't make me feel like I am missing out on things.

Then I heard about the Paleo Diet and I did some research into it. Besides it being very similar to the Atkins Diet, it was a little intriguing. I read a lot of articles about it and came to the same conclusions as I did about the Atkins Diet. On top of grains and beans, you also can't eat corn. Or peas. Or potatoes. But then there are some who say that you can eat potatoes.

Looking at these two diets made me think about the sustainability of them. Can we eat that much meat as a global community and sustain it? Do we need to eat that much meat? Vegetarians don't think we do, but the Paleo Diet supporters say that we aren't that physiologically different from our ancient caveman ancestors and meat was the staple of their diet. Both tout the life extending benefits of their diets but I think the key lies somewhere in the middle.

Is a diet of meat healthy? Well probably not with the meat you are thinking. Cavemen ate very lean, grass fed meat, not grain fed hormone addled animals. So while our ancient ancestors may have lived a long life with their meaty diet, the fatty meat we have available to us leads to all sorts of health issues. Not to mention do we need that much meat? Sure our ancestors did, they were hunting ALL day, they were constantly moving. Us? Not so much. So do our sedentary lifestyles warrant that much protein? I wouldn't think so. But I am no nutritionist.

Then there is the issue of sustainability. Is it feasible for this many people to eat that much meat? I will spare you my bad math and instead point you a statistic and a very interesting article. Both lead me to rethink my meat consumption. As it is I try to eat local beef and pork and since I can't find local chicken I try to eat organic.

After all this research and reading I have decided that for now the course of action for me to just eat right and watch my portions. Limit meat and cheese and focus on whole grains.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Back to Work?

The question "Will you go back to work when your kids are in school?" is thrown at me so often, I have no choice but to think about my future. And it really is never very pleasant. "Back to work" is such a hard concept for me. After college I worked retail, and while I did enjoy the interaction with people, I could never go back to retail hours. After retail I did data entry. Sure I sexied it up and told people I worked for a litigation support company building databases, but the brass tacks are that I did data entry. So no, I will not be going back to that. Although I did enjoy the project management side of my job, but I think I get enough of that at home.

So what will I do when my kids are in school? It is not as if there will be a lot of time, school goes from like 8 or 9 to 2:30. That doesn't really free me up for a 9-5 gig. And I wouldn't want that anyway. Well my mom planted the seed in my head that I should be a personal trainer. I am still not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not, since personal trainers are paid to beat people up and my mom thinks I would be good at it.

But it got me thinking. I would REALLY like that. I love fitness. I know I may not look like it, but I am working on it. And I work on it a lot (on a good week!) I watch people at the gym to give me ideas of exercises, I read magazines to find new workouts, I watch videos on the internet to find the right form. The whole fitness world is just so cool to me. Training someone to reach their goals, watching and helping them get stronger, and not to mention being the boss, sounds like an awful lot of fun to me!

I got the opportunity to work out with a friend the other day and it cemented the idea in my head. That is what I want to do. Although I want to work on my own terms, not for a gym. I want to be affordable to people who can't afford the $70+ an hour that you get charged in a gym. I want to have a car filled with kettlebells and Bosu balls and all sorts of torturous gym equipment, so I can train anyone, anywhere. Yeah, maybe I will go back to work!