Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bathing Suit Season!

I realize that for many of us Northerners bathing suit season is a long way off. But it dawned on me today that for me, bathing suit season is exactly 3 months away! Earth Day is my annual dip into the chilly waters and it is coming up sooner than I would like. But the good news is is that I do have 3 months, 12 weeks, to get my body in shape before baring it to the world.

That means 12 weeks of running. If I run 16 miles a week, 4 4 mile days, that is 192 miles. That is 7 marathons! That is a lot of running. But it should get me in shape right? If 192 miles doesn't get me in shape I don't know what will!

It also means 200 pushups. That's right, 200. I am going to do the Hundred Pushup program, but I have to do the pushups on my knees :( Then hopefully I will do it again but actually do real pushups. Now I don't necessarily need to be able to do 100 actual pushups, but being able to whip out 25 at any given time would be nice.

It further more means a VERY strict diet. Back to counting calories (which I never should have stopped doing), limiting salt, and cutting back on alcohol. I am going for less meat, less carbs, and less cheese (which are 3 of my favorite food groups!)

So Monday I will be up and running, literally, at 6am. Gym on Tuesday and Wednesday, running again Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It's a pretty strict schedule but I can do it! Yay exercise!

1 comment:

  1. Good job :) I hate running, but it is very good for you - and you do feel pretty good afterwards. I can't PT right now because of my stupid surgery, so I'm actually feeling pretty crummy.
