Saturday, July 31, 2010

Losing Weight - Week 2

Ok, so I am going to have to call a mulligan on this. After one week of eating horribly I have gained half a pound. And I knew I would. Chuck was away for three days and when he goes away I just eat too much and cheesy things. So I will have to start over this week - even though Chuck will once again be gone for three days.

I AM going to count my calories.

I AM going to start Thursday spin class (if Eve can help.)

I AM going to lose weight.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Losing My Sanity

Today I lost it. Sometimes all of the problems that aren't that bad come to a head at the same time and it happens most when it is stupidly hot.

I try so hard to be a good mom, a good wife, a good housekeeper, a good everything. For the most part I thiink I do a fairly good job. I have my shortcomings don't get me wrong. There are a lot of things I could do better

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Losing Brain Function

I am so tired. I am on my droid. I am going to sleep.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Losing Soft Supple Hands

I realized today that I have a callus on my hand from my wedding ring. This has developed from carrying the car seat with James in it around. How silly is this? I have a ring callus from carrying my baby. The real kicker is that if I carried James another way something else would pay the price. Sometimes I wear him in a sling, but that puts me off balance and hurts my back. Sometimes I wear him in a wrap and that isn't so bad but can be a pain in the butt to get set up. The real problem with both of these is that they don't work for the short tip from the car to the house. Or the trip from the car to the shopping cart.

The problems I have as a mom!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Losing Weight - Week 1

Before I found out I was pregnant with James, I had lost 25 pounds. I gained 29 pounds while pregnant and now at six weeks post delivery I have lost most of it but still have quite a ways to go. I gave myself these six weeks before I really started trying to be good. So I weighed in this morning (higher than I would have liked) and now comes the fun part!

I will be counting my calories. This was the way I lost the weight before and if I am diligent it will work again. The hardest part is not eating Amelia's snacks. Without kids dieting is easy you just don't buy certain foods. But with Amelia we always have delicious Goldfish in the house and man do I love Goldfish!

I am also going to start back at the gym this week. I won't be able to go as often as I was before James but something is better than nothing. I am also hoping that I can make a Thursday spin class when Eve comes to help out. I have missed my spin classes.

So wish me luck and stay tuned! With your help I will look awesome for Sean and Erin's wedding at the end of October.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Losing the Baby out of my Baby Girl

Amelia turned two today. It is hard to believe that she is two, I have no idea where the time has gone. Two years ago we were in the hospital waiting to meet our little bundle and now here we are wondering if we can put her back! Just kidding. I can't imagine my life without her. It is funny to think about life when she came home. We were so new at parenting and she was such a handful, even as just a tiny baby. We battled her eating when she was little and we are still battling her today. She has always been strong willed and I love it. It is hard to handle some days but it is who she is. I hope she stays strong willed throughout her life.

Two years ago we brought Amelia into this world and I have loved her more everyday since then.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Losing Control - I

I label this post Losing Control - I because I know there will be more to follow. Do you ever get the feeling that you are losing control of everything around you? I get that feeling a lot but it tends to do with a needy cat, a two year old, and a new baby. There is just only so much you can do during the day with a two year old when you have to stop every three hours and nurse a baby. And when you have to nurse the baby, what do you do with the two year old? I pose this not as a funny or rhetorical question but for real - what DO you do with a two year old when you have to nurse a baby? So far I haven't figured this out. I close as many doors as I can and hope for the best.

Thus far in the six weeks we have been doing this Amelia has managed to harass the cat without me able to stop her, climb into the pack and play (playpen to all you non baby people out there) which we have been trying to discourage since we don't want her in there with James, color on the couch (sorry Chuck but it did come off!), pull scissors out of the utility drawer, the list just goes on and on. I try to put on her shows but that doesn't always work, or it only works for a short time.

She generally will systematically destroy the order of the living room, starting with her dinosaur puzzles - 30 giant puzzle pieces strewn about the floor. Then come the hard plastic dinosaurs; these usually get thrust onto James and me. When I tell her that James can't have hard toys she starts to bring the snuggly toys to us and even though I have put most of them back in her room, they keep finding their way back down. Once Amelia realizes that I am not going to play with her, she decides she will play by herself with her little people - so many little people that she dumps all over the floor. That occupies her for a while but she eventually gets bored and decides it is time to read a book. Amelia has a LOT of books and she needs to look most of them over before deciding on one. And if you have never seen a two year old choose a book it is not an orderly process.

So by then end of the ten or twenty minute feeding session my living room looks like a tornado has gone through it. And if I am very lucky it will just be the living room! But a bit of good news to finish up this post - Amelia helped me put all her puzzles away today and that is a big ol' check in the win column!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Losing Ideas

Running out of ideas would be more appropriate but it wouldn't fit with the theme I am going with. I like to think that I am fairly good at keeping us busy during the days, we usually spend a morning or afternoon away from the house but since it has been 90 degrees for the past two weeks it is getting harder. If we go to the playground there is no shade so Amelia gets wicked hot, as does James stuck in his carseat. There is only so much grocery shopping we can do. I can't swim until the doctor clears me hopefully in a week. This doesn't leave us a lot of options, at least not many I can think of.

The choices would be better if it was just Amelia and me, we could go to the aquarium since we are members. Or the zoo. Or the children's museum. But when I think about these things in relation to James they all seem much less attractive.

Next week I am going to start back at the gym so that will be a couple of days a week where the morning is taken care of. And I suppose once I can swim again that will be a lot of afternoons. I try very hard not to be a stay at home mom - I realize it wouldn't be much fun for Amelia or myself.

Anyway, if you have any good ideas let me know. We are always looking for new and exciting things to do.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Losing Ambition

So I have no real ideas for today's post. we had a pretty good day today, playground, groceries, shopping in Nashua. But diligently here I am tippity typing away before bed. We had delicious taco salads for dinner and now it is time to feed James and hopefully get some sleep. Do you hear that James? Get some sleep!

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Losing Pressure

The one nice thing about these stupidly hot summer days is that when it rains, it pours - quite literally! I love thunderstorms, the drop in pressure, the ominous skies, the lightning, the pouring rain. I love how the air gets cool and crisp, how you can smell it. I love how afterwards everything just seems better.

We had a whopper of a storm pass through here tonight and it has really cooled off the night. We narrowly missed the massive center of the storm which was complete with hail and tornado warnings. However the storm came with more lightning than I have ever seen. It was truly magnificent.

The storm will unfortunately do nothing to cool us off this week but it is supposed to drop the humidity some. And hey, I think I will need a blanket tonight in bed and there is nothing like snuggling up in a blanket after a thunderstorm!

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Losing Sobriety

Being pregnant is fantastic for your tolerance, especially if you enjoy feeling the effects of one drink. But it is fantastic to be back on the wagon, or off the wagon, I am not sure which way is which. My first margarita was absolutely to die for, I miss them the most when pregnant. More recently I just went to the wine tasting at my favorite wine and beer store with one of my favorite people. They had the best wines I could ask for for my first time back in ages. Also I was given a bottle of sparkling sauvignon blanc, which turned out to be quite delightful indeed!

Everybody was super happy to meet my little dude. It is so nice to go back after a long time and have such a warm reception. I had no idea of the wines they were tasting but right off the bat I was given a delightful white from a favorite winery. The glass I had had a small chip and I made sure to drink out of the opposite side. The tasting hostess (a delightful woman) noticed this and told me to give her the glass when I was done. The next wine was a surprising reisling like nothing I had ever tried. It was a strange tasting because there were three whites and two reds and usually it is reverse. The third white was also good (all the wines they taste are usually very good.) And then the reds!

Both reds were from my favorite winery. And this is where the story gets good. We had the first, a good red. When it came time to get the next glass the hostess asked me if I was on the first red to which I could only reply, with the silliest face I could muster, "Yes, yes I am." Well I didn't think I was very convincing but I was given the first red again, as was my very good friend. The gig was up though and we got the second red, a malbec which was better then the first in my opinion. I finished my wine and went to give my glass to the hostess. She asked if I was done and I posed the question right back to her. Well I was treated to another taste of the delicious malbec!

It was a fantastic time and I came home not only with my gratis bottle of sparkling but also two bottles of the malbec and two bottles of a vinho verde which is so nice in the summer - light and crisp and almost effervescent. Anyway, I am very happy to be once again able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Losing Sleep

I am very lucky and I realize this. James usually gives me at least a four hour stretch at night. What drives me crazy is when I tell people this they seem to think I have no reason to be tired. They tell me how good I have it, they tell me horror stories of how so and so's baby only sleeps one and a half hours before needing to be fed again. I want to ring their necks. Just because my baby can sleep for four hours, doesn't mean I am not tired. ONE four hour stretch, they never inquire about the rest of the night. I got six hours out of him the other night but then I was up every hour with him. And typically it is a long stretch followed by a short one.

And by the way, you try getting sleep in four hour bursts and tell me how you feel! I go to bed at 11 or 11:30 and am up by 6 feeding James then Amelia wakes up while I am feeding him and it's go go go from then on. Very rarely will they both sleep at the same time and even if they did it is the only time to get house work done. Also, it is the only time that I have to myself everyday. So I don't nap.

So yes, I understand that I am lucky that my baby is a good sleeper. But yes, I am still tired thank you very much! And thank you for thinking that I care about your niece's best friend's baby but I really really don't. So unless you have a cute story to share that will make me smile, it is probably best to keep it to yourself.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Losing Precious Time

I was holding my little baby James today and realized how much different it is when you have your second. As I was holding James I was pulled away by Amelia. I wish I could sit and hold him and smell his head all day but I have a two year old who requires my attention pretty much all the time. He is already one month old and he is just so different. So often I find James just sleeping away in his car seat and I leave him there because it is easier that way. I love both my children and it is so hard to split my time between them. And then once Amelia is asleep I find myself so tired I hope that James just sleeps and sleeps so I can sit. It doesn't help that I can barely remember what I did with Amelia at this age, it is all so much a blur. Too tired to go on tonight and at this point I am just rambling senselessly.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Losing My Pants

This is not as good as it may sound. I am quickly learning that the problem with being pregnant, losing a bunch of weight, and geting pregnant again is that your wardrobe really suffers. I have very few clothes that fit and even less summer clothes. I currently own one pair of shorts that, unless tied very tightly, like to fall down whenever I move. This gets quite problematic when you chase a rambuncious toddler around all day. Hopefully someday soon it will be cooler and I can wear pants - I have like 3 pairs of them!

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Losing the Clutter Battle

Ok so I know I got myself into this mess - quite literally. Amelia really needs to learn to pick up her toys because by the time she is in bed and James is fed and content all I want to do is sit on my butt. It doesn't help matters that she has more toys than a preschool. I say to myself night after night that I will just sit down for 20 minutes and then clean. Well guess how well that works out! Before I know it James is awake again wanting to eat and then it is bedtime. The situation is compounded when Chuck goes out of town because then I have no one to motivate me.

And it is not just toys. One would think that moving into a house twice the size of our apartment would mean that our stuff would have places to go. It still just ends up on the table, on the island, EVERYWHERE! How did I end up with all this stuff? Where did it come from? Why can't I live without it?

The madness was under control for a fleeting moment before James came into our lives. It will happen again and hopefully before I go completely insane!

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Monday, July 12, 2010

What is 'It'?

Certainly a timeless question - what is it? 'It' is many things and that is what makes 'it' special. But before I get into what 'it' is, a little history.

Once upon a time there was a girl who fancied herself a writer. She even managed to obtain a degree from a real university saying as much. However, as so often happens in life, life got in the way. Working and relationships, and well just plain laziness, kept her from writing and then this girl who fancied herself a writer just stopped writing. What happened next is tragic beyond words - the poor girl suffered the worst case of writer's block imaginable. It left her muse mute. But all was not lost! This girl found herself pregnant and gave birth to the most wonderful little baby girl imaginable. Finally, the writer's block cleared up and the girl knew she wanted to write about life as a mother. Unfortunately the demands of motherhood left her fatigued and she fell into bed every night without writing a word. A year went by and then some months and the girl was pregnant again. Before she knew it she had two amazing babies and life couldn't be better. But just as everything was going so well, the inevitable happened - a visit from an old friend. Now it just so happened that this old friend was and is in actuality a writer, not just pretending. So when he asked the dreaded question - "So are you doing any writing?" - the girl had to meekly answer "no." This of course made her feel bad and she decided to do something about it.

Which brings us to what 'it' is. Yes as you may have guessed I am the girl and this is the result of that very short conversation. Now 'it' refers to many different things - sanity, control, patience, time, weight, the list is never ending. My goal is to write every night about what was lost that day while simultaneously losing weight. And now that it has taken me far too long to write this I am going to go and feed my baby I guess.