Monday, July 12, 2010

What is 'It'?

Certainly a timeless question - what is it? 'It' is many things and that is what makes 'it' special. But before I get into what 'it' is, a little history.

Once upon a time there was a girl who fancied herself a writer. She even managed to obtain a degree from a real university saying as much. However, as so often happens in life, life got in the way. Working and relationships, and well just plain laziness, kept her from writing and then this girl who fancied herself a writer just stopped writing. What happened next is tragic beyond words - the poor girl suffered the worst case of writer's block imaginable. It left her muse mute. But all was not lost! This girl found herself pregnant and gave birth to the most wonderful little baby girl imaginable. Finally, the writer's block cleared up and the girl knew she wanted to write about life as a mother. Unfortunately the demands of motherhood left her fatigued and she fell into bed every night without writing a word. A year went by and then some months and the girl was pregnant again. Before she knew it she had two amazing babies and life couldn't be better. But just as everything was going so well, the inevitable happened - a visit from an old friend. Now it just so happened that this old friend was and is in actuality a writer, not just pretending. So when he asked the dreaded question - "So are you doing any writing?" - the girl had to meekly answer "no." This of course made her feel bad and she decided to do something about it.

Which brings us to what 'it' is. Yes as you may have guessed I am the girl and this is the result of that very short conversation. Now 'it' refers to many different things - sanity, control, patience, time, weight, the list is never ending. My goal is to write every night about what was lost that day while simultaneously losing weight. And now that it has taken me far too long to write this I am going to go and feed my baby I guess.


  1. Well that old friend sounds like a real jerk. A sexy jerk, though. I'm sure that the old friend in question will be looking forward to reading your stuff, though.

    Still, though, a jerk. A sexy, sexy jerk.

  2. Glad you're reading old friend!
