Saturday, August 28, 2010

Losing Weight - Week 6 (Unofficial)

I am in Maine and away from my scale so today's update has to be unofficial. But according to my mom's scale I am down 2 pounds this week!!! I will give a special midweek update when I get home.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Losing Steam

So I was pretty good about writing for a while but I have been slacking lately. I will try to be better.

Amelia was such a good girl today. We went to lunch today with my mom and Tiffany and we sat there for 2 hours and Amelia was so well behaved! I am so proud of her, she is really becoming such a big girl.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Losing Weight - Week 5

Ugh so I gained a pound this week, which I knew I was going to do and frankly I am surprised it was not more. I am still down almost 3 pounds in 5 weeks so that is nothing to be upset about. And I guess I should start tracking my measurements but maybe I will do that for my 8 week post. On a brighter note I wanted ice cream tonight - well I have wanted ice cream for like a week now - so I went for a run to deserve it! I am also pleased to admit that I logged my calories everyday since Monday, even on days when it was painfully embarrassing to do so. So . . .

I WILL keep logging my calories.

I WILL add one day of running at home.

I WILL actually start my core workouts . . . tomorrow.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Losing Ignorance

I always enjoy learning new things, especially when they are truly weird. I recently learned about stone babies, an absolutely fascinating condition where a baby is conceived and developed outside the uterus, then when said baby dies it is calcified by the body to prevent the dead cells from infecting the healthy parent. Super cool right??? Tonight I learned about double uterus, or Uterus Didelphys, a super neat condition where two uteruses form during the embryonic period and even sometimes two vaginas. What what what? So naturally I had to go out and learn all I could about this condition which apparently sucks if it is you who has it but is just nifty to people like me - especially when I learn that each uterus can have a baby conceived at different times. The human body just completely amazes me with what it can do!

And it amazes me what you can learn with the power of the internet. I mean, anything you can think of you can learn about at the touch of a button.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Losing My Husband

I am extremely lucky to have a husband who works from home and is very flexible and able to help out during the day. However, everything has its price and this is no different. In exchange for being around he travels. He left tonight and won't be back until Friday. Then he leaves again on Wednesday for a wedding in Seattle and won't be back until the following Tuesday. I guess his business trips wouldn't be so bad if they were planned in advance but he tends to take off at a moment's notice. This trip was planned yesterday!

The part that stinks most for me is being left home with Amelia, who is now old enough to ask where Daddy is. She misses him when he is gone but she isn't quite old enough to understand "he will be back Friday." And of course I miss him. As much as he drives me crazy, he keeps me sane. He makes me stay on top of the housework when he is around and helps out a lot. When he leaves I just get so tired by the end of the day and even though I know that cleaning up will only take a little time I put it off. He gives me someone to talk to at the end of the day who isn't 2. And he is even good for a cuddle in the middle of the night.

So Chuck, since you are probably the only one reading this, I love you and we miss you.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Losing Weight - Week 4

I am a day late but I do have good news - down .4 pounds! Not as good as I would have liked but considering at least 3 of my lunches were like 3 lunches at once I am not complaining. And apparently even if you compensate for a GIANT lunch with nothing for dinner it doesn't quite work. Alas the after workout hunger. The good news is that I have been told I can keep the kids in daycare for an hour and a half, even with James. So now I can do my cardio and my core workout at the gym - which means I will actually do my core workout.

- I WILL start my core workouts again.

- I WILL stop skipping days with my calorie counting.

- I WILL stop eating so much when I get back from the gym.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Losing Tolerance

My tolerance for alcohol that it! Chuck made me a margarita and it just about did me in. Even as I type this I am using my backspace more than ever. I guess that is what happens when you get pregnant in 2007 and again in 2009 with barely time in between to regain some of that tolerance. I am not really complaining but it does become problematic when you just want a nice glass of wine with dinner and you end up loopy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Losing It (Laughter)

Amazingly adorable things Amelia says or has said:

-She wants a dinosaur named Daddy, an allosaurus.
-There was a whole phase where everything smelled like gallimimus, a bird like dinosaur.
-"I need this!" about everything, she says it very emphatically though and it is really cute.
-When she looks for something she always calls out "___ where are you?"
-Today she said "I miss daddy."
-Also, "I love our family."
-When she wants my attention but I am holding James "Mommy, put James in bed."
-"No, my turn!" or "No, I do it!"
-When you ask her what James eats? Nipples!

This is why two year olds are allowed to grow up; because just about when you think you can't take any more tantrums, they come out with something that either makes you laugh or melts your heart.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Losing Ambition

One would think that seeing such a success on the scale one week would motivate me the next week but alas not me. I see a three pound loss on the scale and then eat like a stupid person. I was really hoping to be able to post a nice mid week victory but there is nothing to be excited about. I shouldn't be weighing myself all week but I am addicted to it. It is like a drug. Every morning I step on the scale. Sometimes I think it is good, but I am not sure.

Like this morning, I step on the scale expecting good things and I see no progress. Well I go to the gym and work out then I come home and eat. And I don't just eat normal. No I eat 1200 calories! That is what some people eat in a day not in a lunch! Needless to say I ate salad for dinner.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Losing Sleep - III

A very sleepless week around here. Poor Amelia is either developing molars or a fear of the dark. My poor little girl woke up screaming and only mommy could console her. I guess we may need to get her a nightlight because twilight turtle only stays on for 45 minutes. I feel so bad when she is upset. I wish nothing would ever hurt or scare her. So now we have left her door open so we will see how that goes. I have a feeling it may end up being a very early morning for me. The only question that remains is do we secretly shut her door when we go to bed or gate the stairs?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Losing Sleep - II

So I had the night from hell last night. After going to bed late, well late for me it was only 11, my kids had me up all hours of the night last night. At 1:30 it was Amelia and Chuck handled that situation. Poor girl had been sick so she had a rough night. I would love to be able to sleep once I know Chuck is up but I can't, I usually don't fall back asleep until he is back in bed. So, right 1:30. Then it was 2:30 I got up with her and I can't even remember what she wanted. Then at 3:30 James was up to eat. That was an hour long thing, although I may have fallen asleep for some of it! So I got back into bed at 4:30 to be woken up at 5:30 to Amelia. She had wet through her diaper, through her clothes, and her sheets were wet. So I changed her clothes, got her a new diaper, did what I could with her sheets since we are running on one set at the moment, then went back to bed. Then 6:30 James wants to eat. At this point I bring him into bed with me and feed him there. Much better and we drift off to sleep to be woken for the last time at 7:30 to Amelia screaming. Come to find out she had a poopy diaper which she tried to take off and had poop on her hand.

And then, to add insult to injury, she napped for a grand total of 40 minutes today - once again waking up because of poop. I think James and I are about to go to bed and it is only 8:30!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Losing Weekends

Another weekend comes to a close and far too little has been accomplished. It seems like the weekends just get shorter and shorter. It is hard to get up and do anything with two little ones, James in particular. And being sleep deprived doesn't help anything. By the time we can get motivated it is usually 10, which I know is early for our non parent friends but it is pretty late for us. We did get a lot done this weekend, we went to the zoo, stopped in Arlington to pick up some shelving, Chuck organized the basement, grocery shopping, some cleaning. But I used to get so much more accomplished when I was still pregnant with James. Now, between feeding James, burping him, changing diapers (on both), spending time with Amelia, feeding Amelia, I run out of time to do anything else!

But I did manage to vacuum today, go grocery shopping, empty the dishwasher, clean off the island, write down my meat order, one load of laundry, make a delicious dinner, and put both the kids to bed. All while intermittently feeding James. Not too shabby.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Losing Weight - Week 3

Okay, this is how it is supposed to go! Down 3.2 pounds this week!!! A huge victory in and of itself but also Chuck was gone for three days and I still managed to drop three pounds. I went to the gym three days, two days walking/jogging and a spin class. I love spin class and am so happy to be back, I only wish that there were more options. In Arlington I was taking 3 a week, now I will be lucky to get one in. Oh well. Also logged my calories this week, missed two days but I can live with that. I love victorious weeks!

I WILL keep going to the gym.

I WILL keep logging my calories.

I WILL start back in with the ab routine.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Losing the Plot

Quite literally I am losing the plot of my dreams. I usually dream stories and if I remember anything I remember everything. Recently I have only been remembering scenes from my dreams - very cool scenes but scenes nonetheless.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Losing My Headphones

Getting ready for the gym yesterday I searched the house for my bluetooth headphones. I checked all the usual places and couldn't find them. I looked in my purse three times but eventually just worked out without music.

Today I call Chuck, I look again through the house, the junk drawer, the office. No luck. I resigned myself to once again be musicless at the gym. As I put a sippy in my bag for Amelia, I made one more half hearted effort to find them and lo and behold they were in my bag the whole time.

Pretty sure I am going crazy!

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Losing My Headache

Well, I wish I could lose it. I have had this headache for so long, it just persists. I know with Amelia I always held her one way and therefore always looked one way. But with James I feed on both sides so I am looking to both sides but I still have this monsterous headache. My sister adjusted me and that helped for a while. I have been drinking water like crazy so I am pretty sure it is not dehydration or anything. It really sucks at the end of the day, when both kids are sleeping and the house is moderately clean, to have a splitting headache.

On the bright side, I cleaned up most of Amelia's toys and I emptied and refilled the dishwasher. Now I just need to go to bed and hope for a long luxurious sleep before James wakes up and wants food. Tomorrow is our last day of nothing this week (except the gym) before it gets crazy. Angela is coming on Wednesday, Eve is coming Thursday and I am going to my first spin class back, Sara is coming on Thursday for a play date with Ric and James, and Friday I am taking the clan and heading to my big sister's graduation in CT. I have decided that the term 'stay at home mom' is completely ridiculous.

Also, I am trying to get us on more of a schedule around here. I realized that I am never going to make mommy friends with our crazy schedule, but if I go to the playground the same day and time each week, I might actually develop a rapport with someone. Also, kids like routines. And it helps me a lot. So for now I have decided that we will go to the gym Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Amelia will have a gymnastics class starting this fall I think. And I am going to experiment with the playground to see what days have the best range of kids. I would like Amelia to have some more friends her age.

And finally, I have something in my fingernail. It won't come off with regular washing, it doesn't smell of anything, but it looks suspiciously like poop.