Monday, August 2, 2010

Losing My Headache

Well, I wish I could lose it. I have had this headache for so long, it just persists. I know with Amelia I always held her one way and therefore always looked one way. But with James I feed on both sides so I am looking to both sides but I still have this monsterous headache. My sister adjusted me and that helped for a while. I have been drinking water like crazy so I am pretty sure it is not dehydration or anything. It really sucks at the end of the day, when both kids are sleeping and the house is moderately clean, to have a splitting headache.

On the bright side, I cleaned up most of Amelia's toys and I emptied and refilled the dishwasher. Now I just need to go to bed and hope for a long luxurious sleep before James wakes up and wants food. Tomorrow is our last day of nothing this week (except the gym) before it gets crazy. Angela is coming on Wednesday, Eve is coming Thursday and I am going to my first spin class back, Sara is coming on Thursday for a play date with Ric and James, and Friday I am taking the clan and heading to my big sister's graduation in CT. I have decided that the term 'stay at home mom' is completely ridiculous.

Also, I am trying to get us on more of a schedule around here. I realized that I am never going to make mommy friends with our crazy schedule, but if I go to the playground the same day and time each week, I might actually develop a rapport with someone. Also, kids like routines. And it helps me a lot. So for now I have decided that we will go to the gym Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Amelia will have a gymnastics class starting this fall I think. And I am going to experiment with the playground to see what days have the best range of kids. I would like Amelia to have some more friends her age.

And finally, I have something in my fingernail. It won't come off with regular washing, it doesn't smell of anything, but it looks suspiciously like poop.

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