Thursday, September 16, 2010

Losing Self Respect

Not me, don't worry. I am actually gaining it every day. Today I gained a little by running a mile in 12 minutes, a new record for the current me.

What I am referring to is something else entirely. Think of the blog "People of Walmart". We have all seen it, or similar. We have all seen the people that make us say to ourselves, "ehugh" (and that is a word specially coined by me). So my question is when do you lose so much self respect the you just don't care.

Or is the problem that these people don't know? Do they think that skin tight clothes on a 350 lb frame is attractive? Do the not feel the urge to pull up their pants when half their ass is hanging out? What is it about people that makes them, for lack of a better word, trashy?

Example, and I am going to be intentionally vague here - I saw a heavy lady in not skin tight but tight clothes the other day. Not a big deal in itself but her shirt kept riding up expsoing about 4 inches of skin. Now if this ever happened to me you can bet your ass that my first reaction would be pulling the shirt down and the second would be a mental note to never wear the shirt again! But this lady didn't immediately pull her shirt down, she just let her belly hang out for a while. So is it that she just has given up caring about her appearence, she doesn't realize that her shirt has come up, or she knows but likes the flaunt her stuff?

Always a question on my mind and thought I would share. When do you just stop caring?

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